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The truth about a fully plant based diet!

I sat down a couple of hours ago to get started on my weekly grocery list. My husband I have decided to start looking at our spending a little closer, and that means no more eating out. It's easier for me to sit down and attempt a weekly meal plan based off of what I already have and what's on sale that week. I had everything laid out in front of me to get this done! Laptop for Netflix: Check. Notebook and pen: Check. Vape: Check. Cell phone to look at the ads: Check. Cup full of ice with a Coke Zero: Check. Girls occupied with toys: Check. Now all I had to do was find something to watch. Today, this came back to bite me in the ass.

I went into the Documentary section of Netflix and found something that peaked my interest. What the Health. This is a documentary that examines links between diet and disease. This hit close to home because my older sister was diagnosed with diabetes this year. It has been a very eye opening experience for not just her, but our entire family. She was told that her blood sugar level was so high she should have been in a coma. Most of us in the family have started to "diet" with her to try and support her. I started to do a low carb diet along with her, but to be honest, I haven't been doing so great. One cheat meal turns into a cheat day and then a good day if low carb followed by another cheat day, mostly out of convenience.

I pressed play and an hour and 32 minutes later, I still have not written one thing down in my notebook. This documentary is scary as hell! This is pretty much saying that with all of the yucky hormones, salt and other crap these farmers are injecting our meat with is killing us. It is saying that the only way to truly eat healthy, is a full plant based diet. This means no animal products, no meat, no dairy and no eggs. According to this, studies have shown that in a matter of weeks, people have been able to reverse diseases, completely stop medications and show dramatic improvements in blood tests.

This is crazy to me! Can this actually be true? Can you actually prevent and reverse diseases like diabetes, hypertension and heart disease? The list of these diseases they say can be cured by going on a fully plant based diet goes on and on.

When this was over, I looked over at the chicken breast I had defrosting and got a little grossed out. Is that what this documentary was set out to do? If so, good job because I couldn't stand the thought of cooking that chicken and sitting down at the dinner table with my 2 daughters. Luckily, I had all the fixings for meatless taco filling.

I still don't know what and who I can trust when it comes to food, health and nutrition. All I know is that obviously the way I have been eating so far is not working. I am obese, my husband is probably a little overweight. Most of my family is either a little overweight or obese. Something has to change and as the wife and mother in my home, that change has to start with me.

I guess I will be having a long conversation with my husband tonight and a lot of research ahead of me. I am going to research how this can positively and negatively affect my girls. If anyone out there has any advice, concerns or comments for me, please leave me a comment.


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